domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008

Audiovisual works


- For more funny videos, click here

"À flor da Pele"

- The funniest home videos are here

Advertising First Prize - Publidevoradores

Intensive Programme 08 Surf school


Promotional Merchandising


Intensive Programme 08 (Business Plan in English)



The goal of this programme was to made a business plan with the help of students from different fields and from different countries. Was a very good opportunity to learn more about others cultures and about new ways of solving problems. I done the comunication part of the plan, in fact I done the strategy and the advertising stuff.

Business Plan

Club L University/ Real work

Creative Media

University/Real Work (2007)

- Strategy
- Graphics
- a real challenge.

12 Magazine

University Work ( 2006)

- Comunication Strategy
- Real Product


André Pinheiro (Copy)
Ana Rita Silva (Copy and strategy)
Bruno Alves ( Graphic and strategy)
Filipa Bravo (copy and strategy)
Maria João Trindade (Copy and Strategy)

Sentences interpretation

"The river creates energy with the falls"

"It is impossible to know the words without knowing the strenght"


“Yes, I´m Portuguese, I love bacalhau (Cod fish), fado (Portuguese music), and soccer... And yes, I´m not the best driver, and yes I´m proud to be Portuguese and most of all I´m proud to be myself.
Now that all stereotypes are clear I can talk about me, I´m Rita I finished my graduation this year and I´m ready to spread my wings and learn what the others countries have to offer me. I had very lucky because I could start my journey in the country that I really admire, England.I finished two practical courses in the University of Arts of London (Central Saint Martins) and I really want one opportunity to show my potential in this world, Advertising World!”

Ana Rita Silva

About me:

Name: Ana Rita Silva

Age: 21

Nationality: Portuguese

Graduation: Marketing and Advertising (see the certificate)

Disponibitlity: Full Time

Ambition: Catch a opportunity to show my Potential

Interests: Creative Writting, Graphic works (photoshop, freehand,
ilustrater), Searching, Argue, Audiovisual and media.

Way of thinking: Be the first and the best, and not follow a usual trend.


Acerca de mim

Licenciada pelo IADE em Marketing e Publicidade e com Pós-Graduação na ESCS. Actualmente a finalizar curso de Marketing Online pela LxSchool. Desde sempre tive paixão por comunicação e assim pretendo mostrar da melhor maneira o que se passa neste Mundo, sem censuras nem preconceitos : "try a different angle"